A commitment was made to contribute two staff to contribute two hours of time on a weekly basis. The support staff engaged Boundary street residents in their community space downstairs to complete a tenant needs audit. The purpose of this is twofold – one to ensure every tenant has an active DOH application, current ID and can identify support agency/s that can assist them according to their needs. Secondly, we are asking tenants what their interests and needs are in relation to assisting them to organise future community activities in the building. This will also help to identify other visiting services. Tea, coffee and light snacks are being provided and this has drawn people down to the space and provided opportunity for conversation in an informal setting.
Plans for this project in the new year involve:
- Completion of the audit by mid-January and a write up of results and a model for potential use in other similar settings.
- Follow up with tenants that require more intensive assistance to get their housing and support needs met, and linking them in to appropriate services. Where necessary this may include a referral to U1R case coordination.
- Engaging additional agencies to drop in to the space and offer outreach based services that could assist tenants with their needs.
- Assisting in the establishment of Boundary Street community groups and activities that are tenant led and based on shared interests.
How to get involved: We are very keen to get more agencies on board with this project in 2013. If you would like to be involved please contact Angela Taylor on [email protected] or 0477 330 738.