What is CPLAN?Your regional CPLAN (Communities of Practice Leaders Action Network) is the best way to get involved in the work of YANQ.
As part of YANQ's decentralisation across the state, we have set up 10 Networks across Queensland, with Facilitators based in each of the regions. We encourage you to get in contact with your local Facilitator if you would like to have input on Workforce Development or youth policy issues. CPLANs aim to create an ongoing and sustainable structure across ten regions in Queensland to support a consistent focus on:
The ten CPLANs falls under the existing structure of YANQ and utilises and levers off the comprehensive network of youth inter-agencies and networks across the state. The ten CPLANs are made up of representatives from the youth sector in each region who have an interest in contributing to policy development and workforce issues. The CPLANs are supported by Facilitators in each region, and each CPLAN is supported by Queensland University of Technology to undertake Participatory Action Research as part of its inquiry into the youth sector. |