Youth Consultative Network
N.b - YANQ's CPLAN networks have largely taken over the function of the YCN. Connect with your CPLAN facilitator here.
Sometimes the challenges that face young people (e.g. homelessness, racism, poverty) are too overwhelming1 for them to face alone or even with the help of a single service. So WHAT DO WE DO?
SPEAK OUT using the Youth Consultative Network
If enough (10 or more) networks send this information to YANQ then we will make sure that the relevant decision makers (in Government or elsewhere) are informed. We'll even post their responses on our website for you. YANQ will also pull together a brief response ourselves to some of the issues that the networks raise. We can't respond to every issue, but we will try our best to get you some up-to-date information about the issues you've raised. CONNECT with others Every 6 months YANQ will prepare a report detailing all of the issues and challenges that networks and interagencies across the state are raising. You can use this report to connect4 with other networks identifying similar issues and share ideas about how to address the challenges you have in common. Come up with a PLAN and put it into ACTION If your network, either on its own or with others, is taking steps to address other significant challenges facing young people or youth services, let us know. Simply e-mail [email protected] and we can share your ideas with others and by doing this help raise the profile of your actions and connect you with more resources. For More Information Contact YANQ on 07 3844 7713 or via e-mail to [email protected] |