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The Public Advocate has committed to monitoring the ongoing issue of people with a disability living in institutionalised settings and working collaboratively with key agencies to enable people with disability to live more autonomous lives in the community. Their position statement on Continuing the Deinstitutionalisation of People with Disability in Queensland (see attached) will soon be available on the Public Advocate's website at www.publicadvocate.qld.gov.au. They also are asking for submissions on the topic. ![]()
Dear Friends and Allies
We wish to inform you that SUFY’s project 300 funding has been ceased. Project 300 funding was distributed among several advocacy organisations throughout the state to ensure people with a mental illness had access to strong independent advocacy. SUFY’s advocacy has assisted people to find housing and maintain their tenancy, access appropriate mental health services, provide support at mental health tribunals, advocate for people caught up in the criminal justice system, raise complaints about inadequate support service provision., assist people who are living in health institutions to make complaints to the Australian Human Rights commission and advocate for people who subject to abuse and neglect. There is no greater need for individual advocacy for people with a mental illness given the introduction of DisabilityCare Australia and the support they will need to understand and have fair access to this initiative. The state government provides very limited advocacy funding to the Brisbane region to protect the human rights of people with a disability. When SUFY’s funding from the state is ceased the total amount of state funding for individual advocacy for people with a disability, in a city of over 2 million people will be only $211,000. This funding will be solely allocated to advocacy for people with a disability from a non English speaking background. To date we have not been given a reason why a decision was made to cease only SUFY’s funding. As the state funding was one third of SUFY’s budget this funding cut will severely compromise SUFY’s entire advocacy program. If you are of the view that the state governments decision will impact negatively on people with a mental illness we would encourage you to contact: Minister for Health Hon Lawrence Springborg Phone: 07 3234 1191 Fax: 07 3229 0444 Email: [email protected] Address: GPO Box 48 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Hon Tracy Davis Phone:07 3235 4280 Fax: 07 3012 7704 Email: [email protected] Address: GPO Box 806 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Premier Hon Campbell Newman Phone: 07 3224 4500 Fax: 07 3221 1809 Email: [email protected] Address: PO Box 15185 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Local Member http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/en/members/current/list We thank you for your support. Regards Dianne Toohey Coordinator Speaking Up For You Ph: (07) 3255 1244 The Precinct Unit F2, 1st Floor 12 Browning Street PO Box 5649 West End Q 4101 National Disability Conference Initiative Amount: up to $12,000
Closing: 26 April 2013 Conference organisers can apply for grants of up to $12,000 to improve access for people with disability and their carers at their events. For more info: www.fahcsia.gov.au/funding Australian Disability and Indigenous Peoples' Education Fund Amount: Up to $2,500 Closing: 31 March 2013
Education is continuously growing, developing, changing, so many people undertake courses to begin again the education they never completed or to keep abreast with these new developments. With the development of technology, education has become more accessible for people with disabilities leading to people completing higher levels of education which in turn can lead to more complex and skilled work. For many people with disabilities from both indigenous and non-indigenous backgrounds, education can go a long way to not only developing their skills but also their self esteem and the pride of their family, friends and community. For many, a small financial grant will enable them to undertake a course. This education fund is about helping people complete or undertake courses and programs through providing small grants. Our fund is looking to distribute small six monthly grants of up to $2,500 to assist people with disabilities to continue their learning. For more info: http://members.optuszoo.com.au/~frankhbentick/ADIPEF/ADIPEF.htm |
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September 2013