We wish to inform you that SUFY’s project 300 funding has been ceased. Project 300 funding was distributed among several advocacy organisations throughout the state to ensure people with a mental illness had access to strong independent advocacy.
SUFY’s advocacy has assisted people to find housing and maintain their tenancy, access appropriate mental health services, provide support at mental health tribunals, advocate for people caught up in the criminal justice system, raise complaints about inadequate support service provision., assist people who are living in health institutions to make complaints to the Australian Human Rights commission and advocate for people who subject to abuse and neglect. There is no greater need for individual advocacy for people with a mental illness given the introduction of DisabilityCare Australia and the support they will need to understand and have fair access to this initiative.
The state government provides very limited advocacy funding to the Brisbane region to protect the human rights of people with a disability. When SUFY’s funding from the state is ceased the total amount of state funding for individual advocacy for people with a disability, in a city of over 2 million people will be only $211,000. This funding will be solely allocated to advocacy for people with a disability from a non English speaking background.
To date we have not been given a reason why a decision was made to cease only SUFY’s funding. As the state funding was one third of SUFY’s budget this funding cut will severely compromise SUFY’s entire advocacy program.
If you are of the view that the state governments decision will impact negatively on people with a mental illness we would encourage you to contact:
Minister for Health
Hon Lawrence Springborg
Phone: 07 3234 1191
Fax: 07 3229 0444
Email: [email protected]
Address: GPO Box 48
Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Hon Tracy Davis
Phone:07 3235 4280
Fax: 07 3012 7704
Email: [email protected]
Address: GPO Box 806
Hon Campbell Newman
Phone: 07 3224 4500
Fax: 07 3221 1809
Email: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 15185
Local Member
We thank you for your support.
Dianne Toohey
Speaking Up For You
Ph: (07) 3255 1244
The Precinct
Unit F2, 1st Floor
12 Browning Street
PO Box 5649
West End Q 4101