On the back of International Women's Day last Friday, Minister for Sport Kate Lundy and Minister for the Status of Women Julie Collins announced that the latest round of the Sport Leadership Grants and Scholarships for Women program is now open and urged applicants to apply.
The Sport Leadership Grants and Scholarships for Women program includes:
• Grants of up to $5000 for individuals and $10,000 for organisations are available to help women take part in accredited coaching, officiating, governance, administration and management, communications, media and marketing training.
• Leadership pathway scholarships of up to $30,000 (up to $10,000 annually for three years).
Juhi is part way through a three year scholarship and will complete the Advanced Leadership Program at Women and Leadership Australia, attend professional development conferences and workshops and continue to seek mentors within the sports and business industries.
"I'm thankful for the funding from the ASC and the support of Cricket Australia, which allows me to undertake the scholarship. I'm really excited to continue my vocational journey," Ms McInerney said.
"My vision is to create change and promote inclusion through an environment where each person, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background will be presented with the opportunity and guidance to achieve their goals.
"Irrespective of whether these goals are on the cricket pitch, in the Cricket Australia office, or as a fan wanting to attend a match."
eApplications close on April 26, 2013. For more information or to apply visit: www.ausport.gov.au/leadershipgrants
Source: Email from Jan McLucas 11/3/13