From: SKA
Amount: $3000-$1500 in open category and an ipad or ipad mini in 12years and under category
Closes: 11:59 AEST Friday 5 July 2013
Using the inspiration of the SKA, artists and would-be artists are invited to create original pieces of artwork expressing the excitement and mystery of the SKA and its potential for discovery. Seeing Stars is open to 2D graphic mediums including painting, drawing, textiles and prints of digital art. Mediums not accepted include photography, sculpture, installations or other craft.
Artwork should be based around one or more of the five 'themes':
- The birth of stars and galaxies
- The mysteries of dark energy
- Alien life
- The genius of Einstein
- Giant magnetic fields of space
From: Honda Foundation
Amount: Undisclosed
Closes: Undisclosed
AASS together with the Honda Foundation and Peter Warren Honda Liverpool, NSW take great pleasure in inviting families to apply to the AASS and Honda Foundation Ipad Autism Grant for an Ipad. The successful applicants will receive an ipad with Proloquo 2go to assist in communication. >>Read more
National Crime Prevention Fund
From: Australian Government
Amount: Up to $300,000 for groups; up to $500,000 for Councils
Closes: 9pm, Wed 29 May 2013
The National Crime Prevention Fund (NCPF) is a $40 million component of the Australian Government's package of measures to address gang violence and street crime in the community. The NCPF will support initiatives in high crime areas that address societal disconnection of at-risk young people and provide diversionary and educational activities to reintegrate them into society. The program will also support the installation of CCTV systems in established trouble spots and other security infrastructure measures to improve community safety. >>Read more.
Landholders and Farmers Given Support to Protect the Great Barrier Reef
From: Australian Government
Closes: Water Quality Grants and Partnerships- 22 May 2013
Systems Repair and Urban Grants- 29 May 2013
Landholders and farmers will be given assistance to reduce the run-off of damaging chemicals into the Great Barrier Reef, under a $200 million extension to the Reef Rescue program.
Starting in 2008, Reef Rescue has already stopped over 92,000 tonnes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment and around 1,300 kilograms of pesticide from leaching into the Great Barrier Reef. That is the equivalent of around 1 million wheelbarrows.
Due to the program's success to-date, the Gillard Government today announced an additional $200 million in funding to ensure the extension of the Reef Rescue program until 2018.
The program includes support for Research and Development and partnership funding for on-farm investments. Water Quality Grants are provided to farmers to improve the quality of the water running off their land and improve their land management practices. >>Read more.
Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund
From: Australian Government
Amount: Up to $300,000
Closes: Expression of Interest - 30 May 2013
The Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund will provide $22.3m over five years to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to participate in the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).
The Fund will be ongoing, commencing from July 2012, and delivered in two streams. >>Read more
Beverage Container Recycling Grants
From: Keeping Australia Beautiful
Amount: Up to $10,000
Closes: 14 June 2013
Applications are now open for a community grant of up to $10,000 for local projects that will help increase the recycling of beverage containers.
The Keep Australia Beautiful grants, funded by Coca-Cola, are open to community groups, local associations, small to medium enterprises and local councils for projects that will result in a measurable increase in beverage container recycling in local communities.
Grants will be awarded to:
- projects which address the specific issue of beverage container recycling and its by-products;
- practical local solutions that can be used as examples for others and leave a legacy;
- projects that do not duplicate existing recycling activities; and
- projects that result in measurable volumes of recycled materials.
AsiaBound Grants Program 2014
From: Australian Government
Amount: $1,000 - $5,000 per student
Closes: 20 May 2013
Higher education institutions including universities, VET providers and RTOs can now submit project applications under the AsiaBound grants program.
AsiaBound provides funding in the form of $2,000 or $5,000 grants for around 3600 Australian students each year to participate in a study experience in Asia.
Students are able to undertake short-term mobility for a variety of experiences including practicums, clinical placements, research trips or volunteer projects for up to 6 months.
Students are also able to undertake semester based experiences for one or two semesters.
In addition to study grants, AsiaBound offers grants of $1,000 for preparatory Asian language study that can be undertaken prior to or concurrently with an approved mobility project. >>Read more.
Protect Indigenous Languages
From: Australian Government
Closes: Expression of Interest - 30 May 2013
Australian Government providing funds to support the development of community driven and culturally appropriate digital and multi-media resources as a tool for the maintenance, revival and development of traditional languages. >>Read more
Source: Senator Jan McLucas fortnightly ebulletin, 16/05/13