YPP also runs Young Mums’ Groups and other projects for mums who were pregnant as teenagers and are still under 23 years. YPP workers can also provide individual outreach support for young pregnant and parenting women. For more info call 3357 9944 or check out our wonderful new website at www.youngparentsprogram.org.au.
Young Parents Program’s Pregnancy Group provides Childbirth Education workshops for women 19 years and under who are pregnant with their first baby. Group starts Tuesday 12th February, 11:00am to 1:30pm at YPP House: 119 Stafford Rd, Kedron. Workshops run every Tuesday for 12 weeks, with lots of fun and useful info about birth, babies and being a mum. You can join any time, and we run the program 3 times a year. Young women are welcome to bring a partner, friend or support person with them if they want to. Morning tea and lunch are provided, YPP can help with transport, and it’s FREE. Young women can also access free donated baby clothes and baby gear at YPP house.
YPP also runs Young Mums’ Groups and other projects for mums who were pregnant as teenagers and are still under 23 years. YPP workers can also provide individual outreach support for young pregnant and parenting women. For more info call 3357 9944 or check out our wonderful new website at www.youngparentsprogram.org.au. Comments are closed.
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September 2013