AYAC calls for policy to reflect the extensive knowledge and good practice of the sector, and to ensure incarceration and remand is not the affliction of our most disadvantaged. We want to see marginalised young people getting the right support prior to contact with the justice system, rather than bearing the brunt of ‘tough on crime’ policies.
Youth services and leading advocates from around Australian have united on the issue, endorsing AYAC’s report.
The report follows from a submission made to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs inquiry into the value of a justice reinvestment approach to criminal justice in Australia, to whom AYAC will be providing the endorsements and further evidence today.
You can download a full copy of the report and see who's endorsed it so far by going here: http://www.ayac.org.au/news/230/67/The-value-of-justice-reinvestment-for-young-Australians.html
Source: AYAC April Newsletter