Dusseldorp Skills Forum is pleased to launch its expanded and enhanced Learning Choices website, based on a project led by A/Prof Kitty te Riele (from The Victoria Institute at Victoria University Melbourne, and with major support from the Ian Potter Foundation).

- a Google map search to enable searching by location
- a full alphabetical listing
- a filter tool for searching for specific kinds of programs.
- See where all the programs are located all around Australia.
The information provided on the website is aimed both at young people (and their parents, youth workers and teachers) to help them find a program that suits them - and at programs, so that they can learn about and from each other. Although there is much variety, what the programs listed here have in common is that:
- young people can attend by choice,
- they offer general education at secondary school level, enabling young people to achieve recognised credentials,
- they aim to adapt the offer of education to suit the young people who attend.
If you run a program that is similar, but not listed, please add your program to ensure it is also included.