For the first time, FRRR is providing up to $70,000 to assist not-for-profit organisations in regional Australian communities ‘adopt’ and pilot one of seven Heywire project ideas.
- Farmers’ Future - Valuing Food Producers
- Cutting the Red Tape - Building Vibrant Regional Communities for Young People
- The Green Room - Mental Health
- Getting the Balance Right Media - Representation of Youth
- Breaking Down the Door - Acceptance of LGBT Communities
- Keys Please - Drink Driving
- Fresh Faced Friday - Body Image
Seven communities will each receive up to $10,000 to pilot one Heywire project idea in their community. Applications that tap into the strengths of young people and adapt the project to their own local situation are encouraged.
Applications are open from 1 May 2013 and close 7 June 2013. Please make sure you read the Heywire booklet and grant guidelines before beginning your application. We strongly recommend you look at the Heywire website to see more information on the project idea your community is thinking about adopting.
If you have any questions, please see the FAQs and our top tips before calling FRRR on free call 1800 170 020 or get in touch with us via Facebook or Twitter.
Successful groups will be announced the 14 August.
Source: NTYAN enews 3/6/13