About FMHSS Support Services
Each New FMHSS service will provide three levels of support to vulnerable children, young people and their families:
- Intensive, long term, early interventions specifically for children and young people, and practical whole-of-family assistance to improve the long-term outcomes for vulnerable children and young people at risk of, or affected by, mental illness. This can include targeted therapeutic group work.
- Information and referral for families requiring short-term immediate assistance, and
- Community outreach, mental health promotion/education and community development activities to increase local capacity to understand and respond to children or young people and their families/carers.
How much?
The Australian Government has committed $61 million over five years to 30 June 2016 to expand the FMHSS initiative.
This round of funding will establish 20 additional FMHSS service across Australia
For further information on this initiative, click here.
Who to contact?
Email: [email protected]
SOURCE: NTYAN enews 26/2/13