Queensland is full of young people who have many great talents and who will use those to make a fantastic contribution to our community once they get the chance to develop those talents further. But in some cases their families find it difficult to meet the extra costs associated with participating in activities, events and training.
The program is open to young people 25 years and under. Funding has been allocated over two years, with 23 grants of $500 available for individuals and four grants of $3000 for groups in each Federal electorate per financial year.
I urge you to encourage people you know who will be interested to apply for one of these grants. Applicants are required to provide a letter of support or selection from a representative of an Endorsing Organisation such as a school, training, arts or community organisation. As such, your organisation could play a strong role in supporting applicants.
A local selection committee will assess each application and provide recommendations to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Applications for the first round are currently open and close on 21 June 2013.
Further information is available at www.youth.gov.au.