youth_work_online_forums_survey_results.pdf |
YANQ is highly aware that online processes by themselves are not the optimal method for engaging youth sector members. Historically YANQ invested heavily in hosting face-to-face policy forums right across the State. But since our defunding in 2012 we have been unable to continue this strategy due only to lack of funding by the State Government. However, we do believe that when our funding is finally restored, there is a place for online processes to complement our face-to-face forums and as such we are keen to test and refine this aspect of our sector engagement. This project, we believe, will provide useful information for YANQ and its members in the process of establishing an ongoing state-wide solutions-based policy process.
In 2017 YANQ received interim funding from the Department of Communities to maintain connection with the Queensland youth sector. Consequently, YANQ initiated the Queensland Youth Sector Survey 2017 to engage with and hear directly from sector workers and organisations what they identify as:
1. The key issues impacting the lives of young people; and the youth workers and agencies that support them; and 2. The support youth workers and organisations require from a peak body. Youth Affairs Network of Qld (YANQ), |
integrity_in_our_practice_final_18-6-13.pdf | |
File Size: | 962 kb |
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Listening to Queensland's Youth Sector - Full Report | |
File Size: | 1683 kb |
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yanq_youth_sector_review_report_-_execsumm.pdf | |
File Size: | 76 kb |
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YANQ has spent over two decades at the forefront of youth affairs research in Queensland. This page links to all of our research papers and reports since 1991.
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Juvenile Justice
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Qld Youth Affairs Conference
Sexual Health
Substance Abuse
Workforce Development
Yanq Policy Forum
Youth Consultative Network
Youthwork Practice
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