yanq_submission_to_yj_amendment_bill__march_2021.pdf |
The following response firstly considers the four key platforms or statements made in the Foreword of the 2013 Queensland Youth Strategy and reiterated throughout the strategy and then each of its 6 “areas of connection” in terms of:
Click here to download the response. In December 2012, the Queensland Government amended the Youth Justice Act to remove the option of youth justice conferencing and instead giving the magistrates the option of Boot Camp orders. YANQ is opposed to the boot camp model.
Click here to download YANQ's submission to the inquiry, focusing on the high rates of ADHD medication of children in care.
YANQ welcomes the opportunity to discuss much needed legislative reform of eligibility for incorporated associations' management committees. We believe that the removal of discriminatory and arbitrary barriers to participation in society can be the basis for successful rehabilitation of people who have been in prison and can benefit the community more broadly. The suggested reforms give association members greater freedom and responsibility in the management of their organisation. We support a model where all periods of disqualification for people convicted of offences are removed. We support this model because we believe it will be of great benefit to our clients and to the community. It will also benefit our Network as we have been disadvantaged by being unable to use the expertise and experience of persons captured under this legislation, including Network member Debbie Kilroy OAM, who has subsequently received one of the highest accolades provided to Australian citizens.
YANQ is committed to building a strong and independent future with indigenous people in Australia, and we believe that the current martial intervention in indigenous communities is completely contrary to the outcomes we are all seeking. Top-down governance is at odds with the proven good practice outcomes of communtiy control over decision-making. This submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs outlines our view.
Click here to download the submission |
Policy SubmissionsPart of YANQ's role is to collectively develop and promote policy perspectives that are in favour of the Qld youth sector and young people. ![]() All YANQ publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Categories
March 2021