To download the report, click here
In response to the recent State Budget 2009/10, YANQ has highlighted a few key areas for comment. We acknowledge that not everyone can win when it comes to State funding, but there are some areas of particular concern to us. Additionally, we have commented on the new funding for increased wages in the community sector, and where this funding will be directed.
To download the report, click here
Click here to download YANQ's Draft Submission to the National Human Rights Consultations. The Commonwealth Government is conducting an Inquiry into human rights in Australia through a National Human Rights Consultation. YANQ's submission is now available. Thank you to our members who provided comment.
The National Human Rights Consultation has invited organisations and citizens to submit their view on the following questions:
Heather Stewart prepared YANQ's submission in response to these questions. The submission focuses on the effectiveness of the Human Rights Charter proposed by the National Human Rights Consultation Committee. ![]()
Policy SubmissionsPart of YANQ's role is to collectively develop and promote policy perspectives that are in favour of the Qld youth sector and young people. ![]() All YANQ publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Categories
March 2021