- Othila's - A model addressing the housing and support needs of of young women who have experienced sexual violence - Susan Stark and Lee-Ann Hoyer
- Logan Youth Legal Service - an integrated approach - Lawrie Moynihan
- 'Us' - a young people's photographic project - Margaret McDonald and Pete McLeod
- Working with 'at risk' young people in the outdoors: The power of adventure therapy - Bernice Smith and Adrian O'Connor
- Youth work in shopping centres: an alternative to security officers - Gwenn Murray
- Negotiating youth-specific spaces: issues and dilemmas for community workers - Rob White
- It isn't all black and white: reflections on anti-racist practice in the multi-cultural country - Anne Coleman
- Noosa yoUth's oWn plAnning and deVelopment enterprisE - NU WAVE - Tess Parker
- Kids Help Line - Kim Tvede
- Interview with Wally Dethlefs - Susan Ferguson

1997 - Models of Youth Work Practice |