- Our creation - Beenleigh YACCA
- Towards better youth participation for peak bodies, policy makers and research designers - Philip Hill
- Student participation in schools - Roger Holdsworth
- Service provision for people with intellectual disability - where's the participation? - Helen Spork
- On the porch with Caddie and Minna - Discussion
- Youth participation: concepts and structures - John Ewen
- Research is not a dirty work - Susan Ferguson
- Repressing participation - Sue Wright
- Getting participation among young people from non-English speaking and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds - can it be achieved? - Oscar Aliaga
- Young people's participation and youth culture - Barney Langford
- Judy talks Synergy - Interview with Judy Umataua
- Consumer participation for children and young people in care - what it really means - Andrew O'Brien
- Young people's participation in local government - Rachel McLaren
- Participation at The Base - Rachel Robinson
- Promoting Youth Participation: a rights perspective - Review

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