- Once upon a time there was an eagle who thought she was a chicken! - Martin Kelly
- Truancy: a matter of being human - Rod Kippax
- Education - what it's like for newly arrived young people whose language background is other than English - Adele Rice
- The exclusion process in Queensland state schools - Craig Mackie
- Students with disability - the right to be included - Alison Colvin
- Education and detention - some thoughts from the ground - Karen Mersiades and students of the John Oxley Youth Detention Centre
- Sexuality education - Marina Robets
- Frameworks, collaboration and Ricardo: improving support for students through interagency links - Bruce Muirhead
- Reviews - Boys in school: addressing the real issues - behaviours, values and relationships - Cate Black
- Projects - Disability discrimination in education
- Creative Minds - a youth arts enterprise space

1996 - Education and Young People |