A new toolkit for developing place-base responses to disadvantage has been published by UnitingCare Social Justice. This resource has been developed to assist anyone - from a community worker to an experienced community development practitioner - to plan, organise, implement and evaluate place-based projects. The toolkit contains a checklist for assessing places or regions for projects to address disadvantage, guidelines for developing regional action plans, a template for developing a regional action plan, as well as a section on creating and fostering a community of practice.
It has been developed to complement the Scan of Disadvantage Action Plan and A Framework for Responding to Place-Based Disadvantage which focuses on assisting UnitingCare Queensland to develop programs and services in response to the issues that were raised in the Scan of Disadvantage in Queensland published by UnitingCare Queensland in 2010.
FIND OUT MORE: Click here.
(Source: QCOSS newsletter)
It has been developed to complement the Scan of Disadvantage Action Plan and A Framework for Responding to Place-Based Disadvantage which focuses on assisting UnitingCare Queensland to develop programs and services in response to the issues that were raised in the Scan of Disadvantage in Queensland published by UnitingCare Queensland in 2010.
FIND OUT MORE: Click here.
(Source: QCOSS newsletter)