Women With Intellectual and Learning Disabilities – Sexual Violence Prevention Service (WWILD-SVP) was funded by the Department of Justice and Attorney General to develop a free resource to increase the capacity of counsellors and other professionals to work with people with intellectual disabilities. The Kit includes a book that covers areas such as: the common ‘lived experience’ of people with an intellectual disability; barriers to communication; considerations for counselling practitioners (with advice on ways to adapt practice and techniques to better work with people with intellectual disability) as well as a section for legal professionals. The kit also includes a DVD that looks closer at adapting therapeutic techniques to better suit the needs of a client with an intellectual disability.
FIND OUT MORE: If you or your service would like a copy please contact WWILD on 07 3262 9877. They are happy to post you your kit free of charge to anywhere in Queensland.
FIND OUT MORE: If you or your service would like a copy please contact WWILD on 07 3262 9877. They are happy to post you your kit free of charge to anywhere in Queensland.